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Executive Search

Thanks to our wide network in various sectors, ranging from the construction and industrial sector to life sciences, healthcare, FMCG, and financial services, we have a vast pool of potential candidates for your company. Our processes are highly professional, and our methodology is designed to find the best fit between vacant positions and candidates.

Identifying and analyzing your needs

By directly engaging with decision-makers, we capture precise requirements, tasks, challenges, and create a comprehensive job description. After your confirmation, this description serves as the foundation for discussions with potential candidates.

Profiles tailored to your needs

Vinci Executive Search Ltd. adopts 'Active Sourcing'. We directly approach potential candidates and do not advertise positions. This is based on our belief that this approach allows us to access the best professionals and executives with the highest level of discretion and efficiency.

Evaluation of applicants

Once we have identified qualified applicants, we conduct pre-selection interviews with them. These selections are based on the needs identified with you.

Presenting the best candidates

After the preliminary selection is complete, we provide you with a comprehensive dossier including an executive summary of the candidates. Additionally, we send you a weekly progress report to keep you up-to-date with the recruitment process.

Decision-making support

We participate in the job interviews to support you in strategic recruitment. Additionally, the search can be adjusted as needed. 


We place great emphasis on building strong and trusting relationships with our clients and candidates. Our commitment goes beyond mere candidate selection – we evaluate the collaboration between you and the candidate during the first year. Additionally, we provide a minimum 12-month guarantee.

We look forward hearing from you; Contact.
